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bAbB bCbD bEbF bGbH bIbJ bKbL bMbN bObP bQbR bSbT bUbV bWbX bYbZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
WIZDOMS +books 41
ZAHL books 16
face books & formule 16
india READS +books 35
indiana books +man & circle 16
just books CLC +hands & boo 41
m MENSA +books 16
perfect PB books +circles 16
s +books & squares 9
sadhna pocket books +bird 17
singapore education +books 16, 35, 41, 42
voice books india +book 16
w +books 16
w WISDOM books +books 16
w WISDOM books +books 16
DCB DC bookshop +circles 16
LITERATI bookshop and cafe 42
TEKSONS bookshop 16
DCB DC bookstore +circles 16
THE CORNER bookstore +squar 16
DESIGN bookstudio +book 16
KIDDZ bookz 41
booleans electronics +squar 9
ARBRO'S blood boom 5
BENNY'S boom!! ice creams 30
BOOGY boom +pencils 16
GEO boom boom bubble gum 30
GEO boom boom bubble gum 30
SHAKA laka boom boom 31
SHAKA laka boom boom 31
BIG boon INCUSA collection 25
NSC PEARL boond main moti 7
ek boond +drop & ovals 5
3-in-1 boost 29, 30
DYZO-boost BOLUS 5
LIVO boost 31
RAK-boost bolus 31
RUMENO boost 5
cal boost +cattle 31
punjabi P boost 9
agl boostamin BOOMER +hands 1
ANANDA VEDA booster plus 5
ANIMAL booster +man & woman 5
BRAHMIJAM memory booster 5
NEYSA immuno booster NIXON 5
PC booster 9
SCODA tv booster 9
SUZUKY tv booster +arrow 9
not out petrol booster 4
boot 3, 18, 25
boot GHAR +shoe 25
AIWA boot polish 3
AMBICA JUNGLE canvas boot 25
BRASS boot 25
GEHI boot polish +m 3
KALA GULAB boot polish +ros 3
MUCK boot CO. 25
PREM boot house 25
SANGAT boot house 25
SELF +needle thread & boot 16, 18, 25, 41
original MUCK boot COMPANY 25
jadi-booti toothpaste 3
boots india +feet & shoes 25
B boots bazar +shoe 25
BORN TOUCH boots 25
COW BOY +boots & hat 43
PUSSY IN boots 25
BAWAN booty herbal +woman 3
PSORIASIS sanjeevani booty 5
vedic booty +plant 3
bopal +crown & squares 2
bopal SQUARE 16
RIVER brand boquet +flowers 3
VARDH-o-bor 35
KANHAIYALAL bora group +god 31
zinc borate - BML - 2335 1
zinc borate-BML-2335 2
JBD bord today +squares 16
KINGFISHER lager +bord 32
MANIK block bord +tree 19
MIG bord 19
border 30
border design 29
A1 RELIANCE border trade 42
NU kachiwala border +circle 26
R.N. ribbon border +circles 26
RELIANCE border 42
RELIANCE border trade 42
squares border 24
LIVE borderless +arc 9
RELIANCE free borders 42
KLEEN bore 13
ANCHOR borewel compressor 7
SRI KAMADENU borewell 37
BHAGAVATHY borewells 35
HB HINDUSTAN borewells 16
HB hindustan borewells 6, 7
KKG K.K.G. borewells +oval 37
KRISHNA borewells 37
borges (LABEL) 29
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